NCAA > 2024 > Payment
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NCAA 2025

2024 Payment Information

There are 2 ways to send me your $5.00 (for each entry) by Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
  1. Send me your $5.00 using Venmo
    1. If you already have a Venmo account, send your $5.00 to @ChrisBallam
    2. Here is my Venmo QR code Pay With Venmo

  2. Send me your $5.00 using PayPal
    1. If you already have a PayPal account, transfer $5.00 to 
       In order to avoid PayPal charging me a percentage of your $5 you need to mark the transfer as "I'm sending money to family or friends". Also please note I cannot accept PayPal Credit Card payments. I can only accept PayPal transfers.
    2. If you do not have a PayPal account, click here: Sign up with the #1 online payment service! to sign up for one.
      1. Follow the instructions on how to create a new account with PayPal
      2. Add either your savings or checking account (I can't receive Credit Card payments because then PayPal charges me 2.9% plus $.30 for each payment).
      3. After 2-3 days PayPal will deposit 2 small amounts into your bank account for verification.
        1. Log into PayPal and verify your bank account by entering the amount of the 2 deposits PayPal made into your bank account.
      4. Once your bank account is verified, transfer $5.00 from your bank account into your PayPal account.
      5. Send $5.00 from your PayPal account to . In order to avoid PayPal charging me a percentage of your $5 you need to mark the transfer as "I'm sending money to family or friends". Also please note I cannot accept credit card payments. I can only accept PayPal transfers.

  3. Send me $5.00 in the mail.  If you mail me your $5.00, it must be postmarked by Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
    1. Mail your entry fee to the address I send you via email.
If you have any questions, please email me at

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