Chapter 5 - Input
What Is Input?
What is input?
° Any data or instructions you enter into the memory of
the computer
° Users can input data and instructions in a variety of
What are two types of input?
° Data
• A collection of raw unprocessed facts, figures, and
° Instructions
• Programs
• Commands
• User responses
What is information?
What are the three forms of instructions?
What are two features of most programs
° Menu-driven program
• Provides menus as a means of entering commands
• Menus contain a list of options from which you select
What are Input Devices?
What is an input device?
° Any hardware component that allows you to enter data,
programs, commands, and user responses into a computer
The Keyboard
What is a keyboard?
° An input device that contains keys you press to enter
data into the computer
° Typing area
• Letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks,
and other basic keys
What are the features of a typical keyboard?
What are some special types of keys?
° SHIFT, CTRL, ALT and others
• Used in combination with other keys to issue commands
What are alternative forms for commands?
° Many programs allow you to use a button, a menu, or a
function key to obtain the same result
What are the different types of keyboards?
° QWERTY keyboard
• Standard computer keyboard named for the layout of its
typing area
° Enhanced keyboard
• 12 function keys along the top, 2 CTRL keys, 2 ALT keys,
and a set of arrow and additional keys between the typing area and the numeric
° Cordless keyboard
• Battery-powered device that transmits data using
wireless technology
° Notebook and many handheld keyboards
• Built into the top of the system unit
What is a portable keyboard?
° A full-sized keyboard you conveniently can attach and
remove from a handheld computer
What is an ergonomic keyboard?
° Designed to minimize strain on your hands and wrists
Pointing Devices
What is a pointing device?
° An input device that allows you to control a pointer
on the screen
° A pointer is a small symbol on the screen
° The pointer takes several shapes
Technology Trailblazer
Douglas Engelbart
° Scientist at the Stanford Research Institute in the
° Part of a team that designed the first mouse with
funding from NASA and the U.S. Department of Defense
° Filed a patent for his design in 1965, but his
thinking was too ahead of his time to reach fruition
What is a mouse?
° A pointing device that fits comfortably under the palm
of your hand
° The most widely used pointing device on desktop
° The mouse controls the movement of the pointer, also
called the mouse pointer, on the screen
How does a mechanical mouse work?
° A rubber or metal ball is on its underside
° When the ball rolls in a certain direction, electronic
circuits in the mouse translate the movement of the mouse into signals the
computer understands
How does an optical mouse work?
° Uses devices that emit and sense light to detect the
mouse’s movement
° Some use optical sensors; others use laser
° More precise than a mechanical mouse and does not
require cleaning
° Slightly more expensive
How can a mouse connect to your computer?
How do you use a mouse?
° As you move the mouse, the pointer on the screen also
Other Pointing Devices
What are some common mouse operations?
° Point
° Click
° Right-click
° Double-click
° Drag
° Right-drag
° Rotate wheel
° Press wheel button
Company on the Cutting Edge
° World’s largest manufacturer of the mouse
° Has created more than 200-million corded and cordless
devices since 1981
° Also designs, produces, and markets keyboards, optical
trackballs, joysticks, gamepads, and Internet video
Other Pointing Devices
What is a trackball?
° A stationary pointing device with a ball on its top
° To move the pointer, you rotate the ball with your
thumb, fingers, or the palm of your hand
What is a touchpad?
° Also called a trackpad
What is a pointing stick?
° A pressure-sensitive pointing device shaped like a
pencil eraser that is positioned between keys on the keyboard
What are a joystick and a wheel?
° Help the user control the actions of players and
vehicles in game and simulation software
° A joystick is a vertical lever mounted on a base
• You move the lever in
different directions to
control the actions of a
vehicle or player
What is a light pen?
° A handheld input device that contains a light source
or can detect light
What is a touch screen?
° A touch-sensitive display
What is a stylus?
° Used in professional graphical applications
° A graphics tablet, also called a digitizer or
digitizing tablet, is a flat rectangular, electronic plastic board used with a
What is a cursor?
° A cursor is a device that looks similar to a mouse,
except it has a window with cross hairs
What is an electronic signature?
° Also called an e-signature
What is handwriting recognition software?
° Some notebooks and many handheld computers have touch
screens that allow you to input data using a stylus
Voice Input
What is voice input?
° The process of entering data by speaking into a
microphone that is attached to the sound card on the computer
° Voice recognition, also called speech recognition, is
the computer’s capability of distinguishing spoken words
How does voice recognition work?
What is audio input?
° The process of entering any sound into the computer
such as speech, music, and sound effects
° Requires a sound card
° Input sound via a device such as a microphone, tape
player, CD player, or radio
° Windows stores audio files as waveforms
• Called WAV files with a .wav extension
What is MIDI?
° An external device such as an electronic piano
keyboard used to input music and other sound effects
° Music is stored in the computer
Input Devices for Handheld
is the primary input method for a handheld computer?
° A handheld computer typically includes a basic stylus
How is a data entered into a handheld
Company on the Cutting Edge
° More than two million people worldwide
have a Palm
handheld computer
° Commands three-fourths of the
handheld computer market
° More than 43,000 developers are working on new
software applications and hardware add-ons
Technology Trailblazer
Donna Dubinsky
° President and CEO of 3Com’s Palm Computing Division
° Founded Handspring with Jeff Hawkins in 1998 with the
goal of becoming the leading handheld computing device maker for the consumer
° The most-rapidly adopted new computing product ever
Digital Cameras
What is a digital camera?
° Allows you to take pictures and store the photographed
images digitally
° Images are viewable immediately on the camera
How are digital camera images
° Generally, the more expensive cameras use
higher-capacity storage devices, which means they can hold more pictures
How does a digital camera work?
What are three basic types of digital
What is resolution?
° The sharpness and clearness of an image
° The higher the resolution, the better the image
quality, but the more expensive the camera
° A pixel (picture element) is a single
point in an electronic image
What are measurements of resolution?
Video Input
What is video input?
° The process of entering a full-motion recording into a
computer and storing it on a storage medium
° Also called video capture
are some factors related to video input?
° Video files can require huge amounts of storage space
° Video compression is used to decrease the size of the
° Files can be compressed using software or hardware
What is a PC video camera?
° A DV camera that allows the home user to record, edit,
and capture video and still images and to make video telephone calls on the
° Also called a PC camera
How can you use a PC video camera?
° Video telephone call
• Both parties see each other as they talk
° To provide security in your home
• The PC camera can be set to take digital photographs
at preset time intervals
° A digital watermark
• A small digital image that when held in front of a PC
camera, displays an associated Web page on the computer screen
What is a Web cam?
° A video camera whose output displays on a Web page
° Also called a cam
What is videoconferencing?
° A meeting between two or more geographically separated
people who use a network on the Internet to transmit audio and video data
Scanners and Reading Devices
What is a scanner?
° A device that captures data directly from source
° A source document is the original form of the data
What is an optical scanner?
° Usually called a scanner
° A light-sensing input device that reads printed text
and graphics and then translates the results into a form the computer can use
How does a flatbed scanner work?
What are various types of scanners?
What is image processing?
° Also called imaging
° Consists of capturing, storing, analyzing, displaying,
printing, and manipulating images
° Allows you to convert paper documents into an
electronic form
What is an optical reader?
° A device that uses a light source to read characters,
marks, and codes and then converts them into digital data that a computer can
is optical character recognition (OCR)?
° A technology that involves reading typewritten,
computer-printed, or handwritten characters from ordinary documents and
translating the images into a form that the computer can understand
What is an OCR font?
° An OCR font, such as OCR-A, is used with OCR devices
° An OCR device determines the shapes of characters by
detecting patterns of light and dark
° OCR software converts the shapes into characters the
computer can understand
What is a turnaround document?
° Many companies use OCR characters on turnaround
° A turnaround document is one that you return to the
company that creates and sends it
What is optical mark recognition (OMR)?
° Reads hand-drawn marks such as small circles or
° A person places these marks on a form, such as a test,
survey, or questionnaire answer sheet
What is a bar code scanner?
° Uses laser beams to read bar codes
What is a bar code?
° An identification code that consists of a set of
vertical lines and spaces of different widths
° Represents data that identifies the manufacturer and
the item
° The scanner reads a bar code by using light patterns
that pass through the bar code lines
What are some widely used types of bar
is a magnetic ink character recognition reader (MICR)?
° Can read text printed with magnetized ink
° The banking industry almost exclusively uses MICR for
check processing
What is wireless input?
° A handheld computer or device is used to collect data
wirelessly at the location where the transaction or event takes place
° Later the data is transferred to a desktop computer
through a docking station
Input Devices for Physically
Challenged Users
are computers important for those with physical limitations?
° Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires any
company with 15 or more employees make reasonable attempts to accommodate the
needs of physically challenged workers
° Many input devices address the needs of users with
physical limitations
What is a keyguard?
° A metal or plastic plate placed over the keyboard
What is an on-screen keyboard?
° A graphic of a standard keyboard that displays on the
user’s screen
° A pointing device is used to press the keys
options are available for users with motor disabilities?
° A handheld switch can be used as a pointing device
° A portable computer or pointing device can be mounted
to a wheelchair
° People with limited hand movement can use a
head-mounted pointer
are new developments in computing that will benefit physically challenged
° Developments now in the prototype stage attempt to
provide users with a natural computer interface
What type of input devices do users require?
Summary of Input
° What is input?
° What are input devices?
° The keyboard
° Pointing devices
° Mouse
° Other pointing devices
° Voice input
° Input devices for handheld computers
° Digital cameras
° Video input
° Scanners and reading devices
° Input devices for physically challenged users
Chapter 5 Complete