MIS 111 - Introduction to computig

Management Information Systems 111
Introduction to Computing
Chris Ballam Section 004
Fall 2001

Extra Credit - Virtual Lecture

Time: one of eight sessions available on Oct. 1 or Oct. 2 (See below)
Location: McClelland Hall 214

If you did NOT fill out the extra credit sign-up sheet passed out in class on Tuesday, September 18 by Dongsong Zhang, you will need to email him your information at [email protected] before Thursday September 27th at 3:00PM
Below is the information you need to email Dongsong if you did NOT fill out the extra credit sign-up sheet.

As a bonus for participating in this study, you will be given up to 20 extra credits for MIS 111 class based on your performance in an online virtual lecture. Please answer the following questions carefully. Make sure you show up on time in order to qualify for the study.

1. First Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ M _____

2. Gender ____ Male ____ Female

3. Email: ________________________________________ (Required)

4. Experience using computers
___ less than half a year ___ a year ___ two years ___ more than 2 years

5. Rank the time preferences below using 1, 2, 3, etc. Please mark 'X' for the ones you can NOT make it (You will participate in only one session).

Oct. 1 (Monday)
___ 9:00am ~ 10:25am
___ 11:00am ~ 12:25pm
___ 1:00pm ~ 2:25pm
___ 3:00pm ~ 4:25pm

Oct. 2 (Tuesday)
___ 10:00am ~ 11:25pm
___ 12:00pm ~ 1:25pm
___ 2:00pm ~ 3:25pm
___ 4:00pm ~ 5:25pm

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